great entrepreneurs

self-motivation, proactivity, creativity and self-leadership

The objective is to train the skills necessary for students to become the entrepreneurs of their own life, both personally and professionally. Some of the skills they will need to achieve this are self-knowledge, proactivity, initiative, certain social skills and the inner strength to carry out an idea. This program is a powerful one since we work on these skills during 23 hours of activities and training with the La Granja Method©.

10-11 year olds, 12-15 year olds, 16-18 year olds and Special Training Cycles (3 days-2 nights)


  • ENTREPRENEURS OF OUR LIFE: We will work on emotional awareness.
  • WHAT ARE WE LIKE INSIDE?: A lecture introducing the reptilian, emotional and rational brains, and their influence on our actions and thoughts. We will work on emotional awareness.
  • WHAT IS COHESION AND TEAM WORK?: An introduction.
  • MISSION POSSIBLE: A circuit full of challenges where we will train team work and initiative. We will work on social skills and self-motivation.
  • WHAT IS COMMUNICATION?: Introduction.
  • WEAVING NEW RELATIONSHIPS: A workshop to experience the creation of  the invisible ties that link us to others. We will work on emotional awareness (empathy) and social skills.
  • SAILING AS A TEAM: The boat will not sink only if we work as a team. We will work on social skills and proactivity.
  • WHAT IS A LEADER?: Introduction.
  • CO-LEADERSHIP WITH A HORSE: What does co-leadership mean? The horse will help us to understand all those things that affect this difficult skill. We will work on self-leadership and emotional autonomy.
  • WHAT IS TRUST?: Introduction.
  • MAKING HUTS WITHOUT LOGS: Building a hut in the forest, without the essential elements normally used to do so, will challenge their ability to search for alternative solutions in the face of  apparently insurmountable difficulties. We will work on creativity, decision-making and proactivity.
  • WHAT IS FRUSTRATION?: Introduction.
  • TOLERATING FRUSTRATION: A challenge to train how to manage frustration. We will work on emotional regulation.
  • WHAT IS CREATIVITY?: Introduction.
  • CROSSING THE WALL: Together we will search for strategies to deal with challenges for which being irresponsible is not an option. We will work on emotional autonomy and skills for life.
  • THE CASTLE OF ERRORS: How do we manage when we make mistakes? Do we feel frustrated or do we learn from them? We will work on decision-making and self-motivation. 

activities night:

  • NIGHT TREKKING: A walk through the forest where we will experience the mystery of the night.
  • DISCO PARTY: To improve group cohesion.

This program can be adapted for 2 days/1 night.
