i take care of me to take care of you

self knowledge, self-esteem, empathy, social networks and managing conflicts

Taking care of oneself also means understanding the things we feel, such as fear, anger, or sadness. Today’s fast pace of life, our cell phones, mass consumption and so on,  often distract kids from getting to know themselves better. The objective will be to discover who they are, what they want and where they wish to go, taking into consideration the real circumstances of life today. 

10-11 year olds, 12-16 year olds (3 days – 2 nights)


  • WHAT DOES TAKING CARE OF MYSELF MEAN? Introduction to the program out on a field with horses; the main objective is to learn to accept ourselves and thus have a good opinion of who we are. We will work on emotional awareness and self-esteem.
  • A MEETING WITH FEAR: She will show us the strategies she uses to decide what we do or don’t do in our life, instead of  letting each one of us make our own decisions. We will work on emotional awareness.
  • EMOTIONAL AWARENESS WITH HORSES:  Working with horses we will come face to face with our feeling of safety and self-esteem. We will work on the concept of emotional awareness.
  • CIRCUIT OF TRUST:  The antidote to fear is trust and a feeling of safety. If we feel safe we can face any challenge. We will train trust, responsibility, and team work.
  • I LOVE AND TAKE CARE OF MYSELF: What is self-esteem? A workshop where we will work on emotional awareness and self-esteem.
  • THE THERMOMETER OF SELF-ESTEEMWorkshop where we will understand what makes our self-esteem increase or diminish. We will work on emotional awareness and self-esteem.
  • A MESSAGE FOR YOU: The hanging bridge to gain awareness of how we communicate with others. We will work on positive communication.
  • DISCONNECTING TO CONNECT: We will venture into nature to be bathed by the forest, disconnecting from everyday stress and the excessive activity generated by the use of social networks and cell phones.
  • CARING FOR OURSELVES: Introduction on the concept of social skills: empathy, positive communication, conflict management.
  • WEAVING NEW NETWORKS 2.0: Network that will help to visualize the links we have with others by using real affective exchange, and translating the dynamics of social networks to reality. We will work on emotional awareness, positive communication and decision-making.
  • THE PATH OF LIFE: Circuit that will help us to become aware of the different stages in life, from where we are to where we want to go. We will work on emotional awareness and decision-making.

activities night:

  • NIGHT TREKKING: We will work on the skills necessary for facing one of our most common and ancestral fears: fear of darkness.
  • DISCO PARTY: Music and dance are both great for favouring cohesion and a sense of belonging, thus generating endorphins and producing an immense feeling of joy.

This program can be adapted for 2 days/1 night.
