kindergarden and 6-7 year olds (3 days-2 nights)
- HELPING FARMER PEPA: Using our imagination we will make the children aware of the importance of respecting and taking care of the animals.
- THE FARM ANIMALS: A stroll around our zoo to observe the animals, touch them and learn about their habits, what they eat, how they reproduce and how they are useful to us. We will also work on the senses and the ability to observe and listen.
- PEPA’S COOKIES: We will bake cookies to eat as snacks and learn about the transformation of food elements.
- THE SCARECROW’S GARDEN: While observing our vegetable garden full of seasonal products, we will learn about how to work the land and prepare a salad we will eat for lunch. This activity will help us to promote team work.
- A RIDE ON A WAGON: (kindergarden) The experience of riding a wagon pulled by a horse.
- HORSE BACK RIDING: (6-7 year olds) The experience of riding a horse inside a riding rink.
- DISCOVERING THE FOREST: Learning about the forest’s inhabitants, both plants and animals, as well as working on our ability to observe and listen.
- ADVENTURE CIRCUIT: In a fun and dynamic way we will work on psychomotor skills surrounded by nature.
- FARMER PEPA MAKES US A GIFT: This endearing character will make us the gift of a magical egg to take back to the classroom to help us work on commitment and responsibility.
activities night:
- A MESSAGE FROM OUR COW CARLOTA: An outdoor game of clues played at night using flashlights to watch our cow Carlota.
- BEDTIME STORY: By reading them bedtime stories we will promote their use of their imagination as well as help them relax before going to sleep.
ANIMALS: horses, ponies, donkey, cow, pigs, boar, rabbits, goats, sheep, emús, chickens and hens, roosters, ducks, geese, guanaco.
This program can be adapted for 2 days/1 night.