i want to be pixie

overcoming fear, anger management, jealousy and patience

Lily is a character created by the writer Cristina Gutiérrez, who leads us through an incredible adventure and teaches us how to identify and manage our emotions (fear, anger, jealousy).

kindergarden to second grade (3 days-2 nights)


  • LET’S GO TO THE SCHOOL OF MAGIC: Discovering the skills needed to become a good Pixies!  We will work on the concept of  emotional awareness.
  • TRAINING TO BECOME A PIXIE: A fun psychomotor circuit in the midst of nature to train to become a Pixie. We will work on the concept of emotional autonomy.
  • LILY: Meeting this endearing character.
  • LILY’S FRIENDS: With the help of the animals at La Granja we will learn about jealousy. We will work on the concept of emotional awareness (empathy).
  • TRANSFORMING SELFISHNESS: Learning to transform selfishness into delicious cookies?
  • A WALK THROUGH THE MAGIC FOREST: Meeting a character with a very bad temper!
  • BECOMING A PIXIE!!!: Remember what we have learned and take with us a pot full of magic.

Night activities:

  • BEDTIME STORY: Bedtime story of Lily under the stars.
  • TRANSFORMING FEAR: A walk through the woods with flashlights where we will learn the magic that helps us transform fear into sweets.