ceea: applied emotional education training programme stage 1, 2, 3, 4 &and 5

ceea La Granja method, recognized by the department of education of the general government of Catalonia:

A practical course of 30/40 hours, in OUTDOOR TRAINING format, the most powerful type of training that exists due to the high impact it generates. A different, practical and experiential course where you will obtain resources and practical tools to use in class, with your students, with your families, with your children and with your co-workers.

A training so that they feel capable of introducing emotional education at school, with natural dressage horses, nature and adventure activities, and with the LA GRANJA METHOD, with scientifically proven results.

NEW: This course can be adapted to the ONLINE format (live) if contracted by an entity or organization, and a budget must be requested.

We follow the Talent Evolution Program of our emotional educators, completing the 5 Stages. We propose call for Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 of EMOTIONAL EDUCATOR. It is essential to make Stadium 4 to have made Stadium 3. To make Stadium 3 to have made Stadium 2 and to make Stadium 2 to have made Stadium 1.



DATES STAGE 1: 30 hours: March 25 to 28 (4 days from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with an hour for lunch).

DATES STAGE 3: 40 hours: March 24 to 28 (5 days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., with an hour to eat. Attention: It starts on Sunday!).

Summer 2024

STAGE 1DATES : 30 hours: from 1 to 5 July from 9:00 to 16:00 (1 hour for lunch, lunch not included)*.
STAGE 2 DATES: 30 hours: from July 8 to 12 from 9:00 to 16:00 (1 hour for lunch, lunch not included)*.
STAGE 3 DATES: 40 hours: from July 15 to July 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (1 hour for lunch, lunch not included)*.
STAGE 4 DATES: 40 hours: From August 5 to 9 (5 days from 9am to 6pm, with an hour for lunch.

STAGE 5 DATES: Coming soon. Write to us and we will inform you!

*Registration open

CEEA Estadio 1 in ENGLISH: Coming soon. Write us!

LOCATION: at La Granja Escola de Sta Maria de Palautordera. Train 300 m (Palautordera station, 45 minutes from BCN).

PRICE PER STAGE:  400€ Stage 1 and  2 / 520€ Stage 3, 4 and 5.

Included: acknowledgment of training by the Department of Ensenyament and a Stadium accreditation diploma by La Granja.

If you want to receive more information or wish to register, FILL OUT THE FORM that you will find below.

You can also contact Olga: olga@lagranjatc.com or on the phone 93 848 11 25.


  • Know and develop the emotional competencies of the Theoretical Framework of Rafael Bisquerra (Bisquerra and Pérez 2007) in which the training in emotional intelligence of La Granja is based.
  • Know and develop the necessary skills to apply the La Granja Method to carry out dynamics in the classroom.
  • Learn about the Emotional Education Systemic Training Plan for schools, designed for C. Gutiérrez.
  • Deepen self-knowledge.
  • Train the ability to Look and See with children and young people during the course.
  • Train leadership, mentoring, teamwork, the art of asking questions, giving and receiving feedback, the power of stories and metaphors among other skills and / or abilities.
  • Know the reptilian brain. Understand fear and complaint, victim vs. responsible roles, empathy vs. sympathy, and limits.
  • Develop the necessary skills to put into practice the appropriate treatment in conflict situations, both internal and external.

addressed to:

Graduates and graduates, infant, primary and secondary teachers, psychologists, educational psychologists, social educators and other professionals in child and youth development, as well as university professors, parents and educators.

what do they learn?

Es obligatorio rellenar los campos marcados con un asterisco (*).
