training for educational online or at the school


The aim is to offer a tracked of formative acts at the educational so that they can have practical resources to manage all the emotional tsunami that are living they, but also his pupils and his families. The positive management of emotions like the fear, the rabies and the sadness (provoked by the pandemia), is the challenge at attaining since besides, will facilitate a healthy ambient at the classroom.

If we learn at regulating them at us same, will be us easier accompany at our pupils, conferring security, confidence and welfare at the class. The formation makes with the Method The Farm, with scientific results, demonstrates.


1-Understand the basic emotions. What are and for what serve? Be you well so that the demés will not be it.

2-How come we anger us? The brain reptilian

3-The 5 emotional competences: Conscience and emotional regulation, social competences, emotional autonomy and competences for the life and the welfare

4-Work at squad and cohesion of the cloister, vital to sustain the situation.

5-Self-esteem and Empathy, the base of the success and the welfare.

6-Anxiety, stress and pressure. Like managing it at the school?

7-What is the Bravery? How it can train at the classroom?

8-The positive communication and assertive

09-The art to ask questions I

10-The art to ask questions II

11-The overptoection ongoing to understand behaviors and attitudes of the girls and youngsters.

12-The management of the complaint and the mistake at you and at the others (pupils, families, partners…)

13-Tolerate the frustration vs the patience

14-Creativity and proactivity

15-The coherence and the alignment of the educational squad, vital for a strong school.


-Each session has a length of 2 hours

-can make sporadic acts, or a program of progressive learning like this,  powerful and very practical, in spite of online being.

-The acts make to size of the necessities of each band of educational.

-They give resources and dynamics to make at the classroom with the pupils.

-They give dynamics so that the families of the pupils make at home.

-Also we can adapt these programs to make them face-to-face at the schools or at our installations of La Granja.

– If you want to know more,write or call at Belén at: o 685 282 043
