school grants

criteria for awarding school grants

In order to achieve one of its main objectives The Foundation has decided to award grants to school camps according to the following criteria.

The first requirement so that all schools may have access to this grant is that The Foundation can subsidize up to a maximum of 4% of the total number of pupils doing the camp at La Granja, the grant will include 100% of the cost of the camp for these pupils (full bed and board + activities).

Pupils with access to this grant:

Pupils whose family (father and mother combined) have an income below 1.500E months (18.000E/year), which can be demonstrated by income tax return sheet, or salary or unemployment benefit sheet, etc.).

separador la granja


The school will manage all the documents specified in order to apply for the grants and send the forms and documents to The Foundation:

  • Copy of document to demonstrate family income (tax, return sheet, salary, etc..).
  • Copy of ID of either or both parents (or tutor) and copy of pupil ID.
  • Photograph of pupil.
  • Teacher’s report on the pupil specifying and evaluating aspects such as  willpower, effort, perseverance and pupil’s attitude, to see whether he/she is worthy of this grant.
  • Parent or tutor permission so that The Foundation can use the pupil’s data internally to demonstrate to the Patrons the grants awarded (same model as link above).

Download here the “REPORT MODEL”

Once the reservation for the school camp has been made, the school can phone or email to ask for grants for the pupils it considers necessary. It is advisable to start this process as soon as the reservation is made so that The Foundation can take it into consideration. This process can take place a maximum of 1 month previous to the date of the camp (after this time the school cannot ask for a grant).

Once all the documents have been received (in a single envelope for every school), The Foundation will approve them and award the number of the grant to each pupil, including the amount of money, and send it by email to the teacher in charge of managing this procedure.

When making the payment of the Camp in La Granja with these assigned numbers, the bill will automatically subtract the granted amounts.

If the school application includes more than 4% of pupils to receive grants, The Foundation will select the pupils according to its own criteria and inform the school.
