
we are a class, we are a team

Intensifying our sense of belonging by training team work to achieve group cohesion.

For 8-9 years old to 10-16 years old


  • WHAT IS COHESION? WHAT IS A TEAM?: Introduction. We will work on emotional awareness.
  • MISSION POSSIBLE: A circuit with different challenges to train and understand team work.
  • GUIDE OR BE GUIDED: In this activity, two skills are trained, and it is perfect to understand them: Confidence (when you are guided) and responsibility (when you guide).
  • WE MAKE WOOD HUTS: In this activity we seek to raise awareness and train commitment. The responsibility of acquiring a group commitment strengthens bonds and increases trust among its members. One has to be consistent with what one commits to, since one’s decision, whether to endorse the pact or break it, affects others.