applied training

training in applied emotional education

We wish to share what we learn with schools, teachers, universities and families. The fastest and most effective way to do so is to carry out practical training and demonstrations.

Here you will find the training activities that we have organized for this course, aimed at professors, families, universities and anyone who wishes to learn the tools of emotional education that we use with positive results with children who come to “La Granja, Ability Training Center” every day.


Emotional resources to manage with students or familiesCustom.
Training Session on Emotional Education for School Directors and Coordinators29th of September, 9,30am to 14:30.One morning FREE
Emotional Education in Schools and High SchoolsAn introduction to Emotional Education with a practical approach. We will visit your school. Personal training.
Conferences for parents and parent meetingsWe offer lectures for parents and faculty staff.School and highschool.
day trip for school staff at la granjaSpend a morning with your family at La Granja to learn about emotional education and get to know each other better.Day Trip in the morning.
emotional workshop for school staff at la granjaPractical Training Activities to learn tools and tricks to educate your kids and students.2 day, 1 night.
Certified courses for school staffDo you want to train your faculty members in Emotional Education? Not enough budget and can't afford the trip to La granja?Personal training.
CEEP, credit units in Emotional EducationUniversity credits (30 hour practical training) certified by the Department of Education.April 2022 (1 & 2) July 2022 (1, 2, 3 &4).